Monday, December 7, 2009

Learning Japanese, Setbacks.

Well, for the past two weeks, I have been teaching myself Japanese again. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with it. I remembered about 95% of the Hiragana and about 75 to 80% of the Katakana. I think after that, I should learn some vocabulary and THEN move to the sentence structure and particles and whatnot. I didn't realize about how hard making sentences were until I attempted to a while back.

I purchased the Japanese Learning game for the DS a LONG while back, and it is helping me out SOOOO much. The lessons are nice and the games actually DO improve on your vocab, brush strokes, and memorization. So far I have learned to count in japanese, even though it is a biiit hard to memorize with 11 and on.., colors, a few vocab words, Hiragana, Katakana, and simple basic sentence structures. I stopped after Chapter 29 (which I call the beginning of chapter 2), and I have been playing the games to relearn the vocab and the Hiragana and Katakana. It just stinks that I lost one of my books I used for studying syllables and it had nice reference sheets at the end. I have a Kanji book (which I look through and learn a Kanji symbol here and there) and a Hiragana/Katakana book. They are helpful, but I love that one book the most. It is actually on Amazon for under 10 dollars. If I can't find it, and I have the money in a few months, I might repurchase it. It is a great book.

I made flash cards a while back, and I found a set based on the months...and man are they semi hard. But I also found a few good sites to look up AS WELL as Youtube channels to aide me JUUUST a bit on memorization and such. It is an interesting thing, learning a language. I know it is easier to learn at a young age, and be being 25 and all, but I'm sure that I can handle it with time. I do get frustrated at times, but it pays off when I am actually starting to memorize these things. It makes me a happy panda.

I have been working on a few things lately, drawings and videos and such as well, but alas, I cannot record audio until I get a new headset. It is strange that it doesn't work. Like, it was fine the night before it broke. I hung it up as per usual, and now poof! I realized it broke when I "recorded" a part of Grandia like...5 times. The commentary wasn't too grand and such. But then I had a decent recording, but I noticed that there weren't any sound waves on the finished recording. I plugged it into my MAC and seen if it was broke and not the PC being stupid again, but it is indeed broken -_-'' Weird how things happen when you CAN do things, but it comes back to bite ya in the butt.

I also seemed to have erased things I shouldn't have when I was attempting to clean out my computer all last week due to it not recording right with the Dazzle, and the computer crashed and met the blue screen of death QUIIITE a few times. I scanned it, defragged it, and I deleted things I don't use too much anymore. Well, it still acted up. I'm not understanding what is going on, but I'm not liking it. This computer is about...a year and a couple months old, so it shouldn't be an issue. I've been taking good care of it too.

But I guess things happen. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I hope the best for this new year since this year as been Hell...utter Hell...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Update for the Next Few Months

I have a few things that I wish to accomplish for the next two months. Here is how I HOPE that it will go:

November: Attempt to finish off Zoids vs. III and do the last episode of Zoids Battle Legends.

December: Attempt to finish up Pokemon Ruby and maybe show off some bonuses from FMA2 that I'm trying to get.

January: Going to work on LUNAR Silver Star Story for the month and record with KZX (GoddammitJoel) for some Pocky and Rocky Co-Oppage

Febuary: Upload any videos I have around since I'm going to take a break this month and do recordings for myself.

March: More Lunar and Starting up Grandia I and will end Lunar HOPEFULLY before May.

May: IF LUNAR is finished before then as well as Grandia, I will do Pokemon Yellow.

This may not go as I planned as above considering you have to add in Digimon Casual and me recording with Dan and Ed for our Demented series and the Demented Let's Plays we are doing. I won't post them until we COMPLETELY FINISH THEM. Demented Series will be up as soon as we record more.

That pretty much is it. I don't know when I will stream since I want time to myself now. I'll just record as much as I can so I can take breaks for myself every so often. So I may post up vids after recording them like MONTHS in advanced at the time of the posting. I would love to have time to myself since I am working on a webcomic for January. If not, I will just work on the story and then, turn it into the webcomic. It will be a Pokemanz comic. I'm going to work on my REAL comic when I get the hang of making manga. I need experience.

If anything comes up like personal issues, or family issues, then it will effect the schedule above. I'm actually expecting that since things haven't been going well over on my end. So...yeah. Either I take my break in January, or in February. We will soon see.

My next stream won't be for a while....I might make it sometime after the holidays. Also, I won't be joining the next few donation streams that our team has been doing on Ustream, so I apologize in advanced. I just would like time to myself like I said X3. I love recording and stuffs, so we will see how things go.

I hope to talk to you guys later. Take care!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Donation Stream Saturday October 17th, 2009 for JDRF

Well, the idea started with me being financially poor and me making horrible racial jokes and then it went to me rambling on about the JDRF walk I'll be going to on Sunday,October 18th. My mom was talking about finding other means of getting money to donate and not have it be just me. We are getting my work, Pharmakon Inc. , in on it as well as my other friends and family. It sounded like an aweseome idea and we are all donating to a great cause. I got to thinking, this is a great opportunity to do a quick little one day donation stream for this cause to get you guys in on this. It will be fun and entertaining (hopefully), and I think it will be awesome.

However, this stream won't be an awesome success without you, the people that are to BE entertained. I have been thinking for a bit, (things might change by the time I get home from work), and have devised a plan for this to be an awesome success.

Now, before I get into anything BIG, I would like to talk about what is the JDRF. For those you do not know, JDRF is the Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation. They are researching to find the cure for Type 1 Diabetes, since most children with a family history of the disease, have this type. With the Walks that they do every year, they get one step closer to finding the cure with support from great sponsers and just your average joe. Lots of people attend these walks, for the child that they lost to this disease, for the kids they have alive and fighting it, or just people that care about the children and do anything to keep the smiles on their faces.

Well, My family have been donating to this for many years since our family has a family history of diabetes in the family (my aunt has it and a few others in my family do, and even I myself might have it). We've been dontating to this cause, as well as the company I work at.

Now, I wish to have others that are WILLING and ABLE to donate, they can. This isn't a forced donation, but it is VERY appreciated for you guys to vote. I'll even throw in a deal during this.

This is where I will talk about how the stream works. Also, I will talk about the nifty swag you get from the JDRF when you donate 100.00. Since this JDRF Walk required sponsers, it is very EASY to acquire the $100.00 to recieve a t-shirt from them. So, you can walk up there and donate to the point where the whole family/company/group can have a t-shirt to proudly say that they made that step forward. So, if you, the individual, donate $100.00 regarding sponsers and family, I will personally mail you (I'll provide the shipping costs, so dun worry about it) a JDRF t-shirt. So, if you donate say, $400.00, you can acquire 4 t-shirts. It is that simple!

Now, for those that are saying "There is no way in Hell I'll make that much!" Well, here is YOUR chance to make the stream a bit better for you personally.

I will be streaming ALL DAY Saturday until like...midnight-ish or a bit earlier than that (Since I AM doing the walk the next day), so, below this paragraph I will have a donation price and what you can do to ake this interesting for the stream..


$0.00 = If you cannot donate oncesoever, you can go and make my video talking about this a featured video on your channel. I will be sure to give you a shoutout. Just PM me on YT and I'll make sure that you have indeed done this.

$5.00 = a half hour of me playing ANY game you would like to watch me play horribly or great.**

$10.00 = an hour of me playing any game you so want me to play! **

$15.00 = a Youtube/UStream Layout **YT IS BETA LAYOUT ONLY!**

$25.00 = 1 doodle with one character OR
singing a song OR
another hour of gaming**

$50.00 = 1 doodle with 2 characters OR
2 doodles with one character each OR
1 1/2 hours of gaming**

$100.00 = a JDRF T-shirt


I would like for those who donate to this cause, to verify that you did through PM in Ustream or even YT, whichever is comfortable for you. Within this, I would like you to give me your game/song/drawing you would like for me to do and at what time during the day.

Also, as far as giving out the t-shirt, I cannot distribute it outside of the US. So, if you donate $100.00 and you are out of the country, we will talk out an agreement.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Update on Schedule, interesting things...

Hey guys. As most of you know, my postponement of my break stopped due to my sickness. I've been in Hell for the past 2 weeks, and I know I will be fine before the end of next week. I just have to control my allergies with medicine and take meds for my asthma. So, it will all work out well X3.

I'm also planning on going with the Demented Crew (myself, drunkendan, and MegaSuperGeneral) to the Videogame Expo this weekend in PA. It will be interesting and I will be fully prepared for it. I'll do some recordings of it and stuffs, so I'll go charge my batteries tonight since I will be going over their place tommorow night, or straight home from work. Who Knows...

Also, for those who don't follow me on Twitter, I was on a recording streak last night and I managed to record the rest of Chapter Two and completed Chapter Three in Full Metal Alchemist 2. Fans of that LP should be happy to know that. I did enjoy the recordings too since I WANTED to do it. It felt good to do some recordings when I FEEL like it instead of doing it because I have to. I feel my stuffs be better when I am in the mood to. So, I hold an update of my schedule.

When I feel like recording, I will record. However, the updates on videos will be another story. I'll decide when to post them up, so do not rush me. It will be bad for my health, or what is left of it after this 2 week sickness -_-''

I am also tempted to do the Pokemon Hack thing...that is...IF it wants to work. I can't get the sprites in the game, and it is upsetting me. The thing is that, I wanna work on the sprites FIRST, then fix the story-ish of PKMN, and then use the codes I learned to adjust people's Pokebattles, and giving and trading of items of sorts. It will be interesting.

My drawings, that is another story. I'm having the HARDEST time enjoying my drawings anymore. I'll try to work on that for that Pokecomic.

I'll check messages on YT and Twitter and such, and the only way to get a hold of me after I feel better and raring to to go to my schedule I had planned, is through Twitter. Nothing else. If you need me for commentary, just tell me when you are able to, and I'll tell you the times I'll be free.

Also, the Demented Crew has indeed been lazy. But, here's the thing. WE DUN CARE!! XD We will finish SMB3 and work on the Sonic Demented. We allready have our new LP in mind after SMB3. Yes. Another LP by the Demented Crew. It will be a hybrid of Co-Op and 1 player ( the 1 player being just me since some adventures will have only 1 player action). Other than that, prepare for the next LP after SMB3.

As far as my future LP's are concerned, I would like to work more on FMA2 and PKMN Ruby for now. Zoids vs III is on hold until one of these LPs are finished. Then, after that, I'll focus on Zoids vs. III. After that LP is finished, I'll go back to Lunar for a bit, take a break after that, and work on my new LP. However, I don't really know what to do. Okami is dropped, sorry to say. Things happen, and I might ruin it. I will post up what I was working on regarding to the voice work. It is like...a 3 min. clip of the voiceacting work in the beginning. It came out nice and I like it. When I feel like, I can, I'll start back up on Okami. Until then, don't expect it. The voice actors will stay the same. Until then, nothing more.

My new LP will be based around the poll to the right of this entry. Click the vote, and I'll have another poll up when that one is finished. Until then, I'm out and time to get back to work. Take care! X3

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sick, Bored, Info on new Donation Stream, and MORE!

Well....this week was a fine kettle of fish if I do say so myself...

I was sick for the most part. It is an allergy sickness, which means for one with a HORRIBLE immune system, I will have it for another week or two. -_-' I am SOOO mad right now because I feel bad. I am supposed to do fandub work for a Mr. Azurada23 for his Abridged series, and with me hacking and wheezing because of my allergies kicking in my asthma, I can't do a lot of things. I'm sure people are upset about me coughing when i was a guest for Tatsu's stream this weekend as well as being in the calls to discuss a few things.

Also, this week, I managed to go to GameStop and give away my PSP and everything to go with it. In return, I bought Eternal Sonata and Star Ocean for the XBox 360 with no charge for my debit card. I also purchased online the first Croc game for the PS1. I played it a bit, and I am happy with it. X3 I've been recently been playing Eternal Sonata. It is a real fun game, with some of the VA's I like are in there.....even -eyetwitch- Johnny Young Bosch....SERIOUSLY, WHAT ISN'T HE IN?!?!?!?!!?!?

Also this week, Ive been looking up tutorials for my Pokemon Hack that I've been wanting to work on for the past few months. However, instead of a Yu-Gi-Oh one for now, I'm thinking about doing a Pokemon hack with a few people I know as Pokemon, by giving them certain things on the Pokemon, and renaming the Pokemon themselves along with their moveset. I don't have the FULL ideas to it, so don't expect too much out of me, okay? I am having the hardest time placing my sprites into the game as it is. I'm doing everything right, it is just being stupid. I did make PhantomSavage as my Phanty-chu. I just have to insert it into the game. Until I can do that, I won't work on any other sprites.

So yeah, been sick and got a few new things to do. As I said, I didn't record a thing. I've just been bored and trying to entertain myself as best as I can. I came back around Friday for a few reasons, and also because I needed to talk to a few people about a few things concerning recordings and other schtuff. I'll be gone this week as well, in bed since I'm still not feeling too hot.

I did go over drunkendan's house this weekend. We didn't record because we were both lazy and I was most likely going to cough and hack the entire time anyhow. It wasn't going to be the best recording ever, so sorry guys XP. I had fun. Talked toa few people, watched Tatsu's stream, teased them a bit and other stuff.

Also, it seems Youtube wants to revenue my first Tag Force Video. However, i don't think I'll get it since it goes against EVERYTHING in their list. I'm debating on it, so don't get your hopes up.

I apologize to people that have been trying to get a hold of me this week and this weekend. I've been taking care of other things. I will be gone this week to try to recooperate so I can attempt to be helpful to the people that need me in commentary without me dying in it XD

I haven't started to reach that goal at all since I don't feel up to doing anything. I haven't drawn anything except for Tails at work. it seems that he is the only thing I've been drawing anymore, and he looks more awesome everytime I draw him. i should show you guys sometime.

Also, my group, OxyCleanStreams, are planning another donation stream on the 24th of this month, a week before TheSpeedGamers. More information hopefully by the end of the week so we can advertise early. We have all the people attending, but we need to pick the games and settle a time frame. After that, the advertisements are raring to go. We are going to donate to the Child's Play Charity Group. KZX will be the host of this as well as I am for talking to the Charity Group we will be sponsoring. This is also the 2nd annual Birthday Stream for me and KZX as well since my birthday is on the 21st and KZX's is the 29th. We will have a Special Guest (hopefully) since his birthday is a day before mine. it will be epic and I hope you guys will attend.

I will cover the rest of it in another blog hopefully this week. I will update you guys on anything else that happens. Until then, I'll see you guys next week. NO STREAMING FOR ME THIS WEEKEND COMING UP! I have plans to go to PA (Hopefully) for the Videogaming Expo thingie there on the 10th at the Convention Center. We'll see.

Talk to you all later!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Schedule for the Future!

Allrighty people. Canis Skye is here for a few things. For those who came here from the video I posted, You should follow my Twitter account from now on. I will post any new blog stuff up on Twitter while I am gone. I will not post up anymore videos saying I posted up a blog. It gets redundant and annoying. So please, follow me on Twitter at:

If you don't own Twitter, then bookmark this page and check it every once in a while if you are interested.

Now then, onto other things.

A few months ago, I decided to leave the interwebz to reach my goal that I've always wanted to accomplish but couldn't. The internet is an awesome place, but it can be VERY addicting. I need to start to get away from it slowly in order to reach my goal. My goal isn't known to anyone NOR will it be....well...possibly. You might. Only AFTER the goal is reached. It will be interesting for some people. You'll see. It will make me happy and it will make others happy, I guarentee it! is how it will go. As most of you know, I draw, I make videos (LP's, Fandubs, and whatnot), I tweet, I blog, made a forum, do donation streams and regular streams, and everything else. Well, it will be reduced during this time. I want time to myself and I don't wanna do a lot of these things while I am on this loooong goal hiatus.

The LP's will be on hold. I thought about recording on just Sundays and upload them once a week. Buuuuut, I don't really wanna do that on my day of rest with how my new schedule will be. I just wanna chillax and stuffs. I know you people miiight groan and unsub, but that's fine. But let me tell you. I will come back better, and more awesome than before. Also, I will cut out the HUUUGE amounts of streams. My streams have been held on Saturday nights starting between 7-8 PM EST time and end after 7 to 8 hours, maybe even 11 hours. I am planning to cut that as well. I am only planning on streaming once a month. HOWEVER, they will be one of two things:

1) I will stream for only an hour, 2 MAX!


2) I will be in a donation stream if the OxyClean crew need me to.

Those are the only conditions I have. I can choose not to stream at all, so don't expect much from this.

The twitters will be up ONLY to say I put up a blog entry. That is the ONLY time I will interact with that.

The main thing I will use for this hiatus is my blog. The only days I will update my blog will be on Sundays, most likely in the nights.

I will not be planning on entereing streams, working on co-ops, however, I do have some thing I have to do with someone for a fandub AND donation streams IF NEEDED. These are the only acceptions.

My drawings, on the other hand, I will work on.....mostly. I plan on working on a webcomic mainly for practice. It miiight be just a fan webcomic of Pokemon. It will be fun, and if you know what I have in my artist sight I use, you would get an idea on what it miiiight hold. X3

Basically, Sunday is my internet day to check on things, so that I won't be swamped on my artist site, Youtube, and everything else.

Now, people are probably getting agitated at me by not making videos. Well, there is a liiiiiiitle bonus. I have a new channel that I have been using mainly for my drawing videos. I will post the link up when it is ready to be announced to the world. So expect that in another blog entry. So, this means that if I work on a drawing, I'll record it and post it up on Sundays. That's about the only videos I will post up. I might not even do that either, so just be patient.

Really, this break is just for me finding myself and obtaining a goal that I reallly want to accomplish. So please, don't be mad. I'm sure there are other people you can watch on the internet. Hell, I'm sure they are WAYYY better than I am. Like NintendoCapriSun, ChickenFajita12, TimothyBor, Tatsudoshi, GodDammitJoel, and a MILLION others. Trust me, there are more out there, and it will be fine. I would rather have more support than anything instead of people flaming me about me trying to get a life, if you want to put it that way. I want to improve my life, how I feel, how I act, and handle what I need to handle that I've been running away from I suppose. I'm just having issues with inside my head, my self-esteem, and me tired of a thousand other things.

So that is preety much it. I think I covered everything at this point. So, again, I ask for support. I do not know when I will come back. The goal needs to be reached by May, but I'm hoping I'll meet it before that time. X3 I'm sure I will with everyone's support.

Until then, CanisSkye signing out, saying Take care and I hope to see you all real soon!! X3

To my Friends on Skype, I wish you all well and if you need me for anything, you know how to get to me if it is just support, donation assistance for a stream, and everything else. Don't be afraid to ask. also, GET ALONG!!! That is all.

See ya!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not Doing Too Well...More Emoism is-a GOOO!!!

Well, as most of you well know if you follow me on Twitter, my grandfather passed away. He passed away the weekend of the 72 Hour Stream me and the rest of CrudeComms and Multi-Purpose Spam did the weekend of September 18-20th. He owned a bar and such. It was a nice bar, but in the past few years, the place has been looking shabby and such, so it was hardly used since then.

Well, he had a Bar Maid that took care of him as well when he was really sick. He was in and out of the hospital, taken to the VA hospital in PA (which mind you is a horrible place so let your veteran loved ones go there!) and he had to have blood transfusions and everything else under the sun to not look like a Simpson character. It was a horrible sight.

The night he died, he was freaking out over the doctors and nurses and even called 911 on the hospital, claiming that they were holding him hostage because he wanted to go home to the bar, and to his dog. However, he was still in the ICU and there was no way in hell he was able to leave in the condition he was. It must've been a sight to behold really.

The funeral was held yesterday and that's when the stuff began to hit the fan. My dad's side of the family are horrible people. Terrible. After the funeral, I rode with my neighbor to the bar to set up, while mom took my dad and the bar maid with them to the burial sight. after the burial sight and they were driving on the way to the bar, my dad was crying. He was in tears and broken. My mom tried to help him as best as she could. However, the bar maid kept asking my mom, AT THAT TIME MIND YOU, if she could have some items and demanding the laptop that my mom and dad took my pop-pop out to get. My mom was horrified. She couldn't believe what was going on. However, the laptop and the bottle was the only things she was entitled to have, and the bar maid wanted them both. She was mad of course.

During the little party to attempt to make people feel better, the bar maid kept talking about how poor she was and how she couldn't buy anything for her kids, when we knew that my grandpop gave her ALOT more money than she was supposed to get for only working for a few days a week. My mom talked to my dad's brothers wife about it, and the wife goes "Well, I think that you should give back the items and give them to the bar maid" My mom was pissed, obviously. She couldn't take it. She was in tears since everyone started ganging up on her about it. I couldn't believe his side of the family. It was terrible. What was supposed to be a rememberance, turned into a horrible battlefield.

Of course, my dad wasn't any better. He didn't even care that my mom was in the car for 2 hours in tears even when he noticed her in the car. Then, he didn't want to leave the bar. My mom is so sick of this bar at this point. This bar has been a thorn in their marriage, and it just came back to be a thorn in it once more. Mom is thinking about divorce if he keeps this up. Not to mention that he might not be working, so we will be financially broken if he doesn't wake up and just talk to lawyers and whatnot to do something with the bar.

It just urks me and I'm tired of it..that is preety much all can I muster up at this point...back to work for me. gehhhh....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Twilight Princess Update Numbah 3....not a whole lot.

This is just for me personally. If curious, then read on.

Twilight Princess time runthrough (according with the start menu):

1st Run (arriving at 2nd Dungeon): 6:31
2nd Run (arriving at 2nd Dungeon): UP FOR TOMMOROW!

I didn't have a WHOOOLE lot of time working on this due to a family issue. It will be interesting suring stream time...out of 9 dungeons...I only performed 1. Go me... -_-''

Going to bed early also due to visitation and a BIIIG day tommorow. Setting up for Friday. Good luck to all of us participating within the stream!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Twilight Princess Update Numbah 2...suckage!!

This is just for me personally, if you are interested, press on.

Twilight Princess Time Run through (based on the game time on the menu):

1st Run (Up to the Parasites in Kakariko Village): 5:28
2nd Run(Up to the Parasites in Kakariko Village): 3:10

Couldn't get up to the second Temple. Will attempt to do so tommorow after seeing grandpa in the hospital and cleaning house. >>''

Twilight Princess Update Numbah One...For me Personally.

This is just for me, and no one else. If you guys are curious, then read on..

Twilight Princess Times based on the game time on the menu.

Beginning 1st time: 1:35
Beginning 2nd time: 1:03

Forest Temple 1st Time: 3:05
Forest Temple 2nd Time: (TONIGHT)

Will ateempt to do the entire game up to the 1st temple to time. Also attepting to pull off the 2nd temple today.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Streaming Update for September 18th!!!

Due to some issues the stream will be done for the benefit of the ASPCA

However, things will go as planned. Here is the line up, who will be playing it, and when!

Friday @ 10am PST: Okami with Spazzy & Tatsu
Friday @ 12am PST: Odin Sphere (Cornelius' story) with KZX
Saturday @ 7am PST: Megaman X1 & Megaman X4 with Nethertribes & Khold
Saturday @ 10am PST: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess with Skye
Saturday @ 8pm PST: Ratchet & Clank: Deadlocked with KZX
Saturday @ 11pm PST: Sonic Heroes with Tatsu
Sunday @ 6am PST: Sonic 3 W/Knuckes with Skye
Sunday @ 8am PST: Sly Cooper 3 with PhantomSavage
Sunday @ 4pm PST: RANDOM FUN TIME ...with...EVERYONE!?

Later this week, probably Thursday, I will have the ChipIn widget up and running for the event as well as a link to the stream.

If you found this post by one of the many videos all over youtube, then you already know all of this information and should commit it to memory.

IMPORTANT! Times may be subject to change if something goes awry, so please bare with us. :3

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Parents Come Home to Hell Tommorow...RUN!

Well....This is the end of the "vacation" week for me to be away from my parents as they come home tommorow. And the end result, as some of you know, was a living nightmare. I'm going to vent here my ENTIRE week and te highlights as well...just to make me feel better....or at least try to >>"

From the start, I told my mom that I didn't want my sister to stay with me at all. I wanted to be alone after all the hell these people have put me through mentally and I need a time to chill and feel better. And after Saturday's incident with the bombing of the house due to a flea infestation and getting rid of the cat, after she drilled holes into me with her claws trying to put her into the pet carriage, I just wanted to rest. However, here we start with the venting:

My sister was at the house, which I knew was going to be there since my neighbor dropped off my parents at the airport and my sister had to watch her husband and their granchild as well as her own child next door. Since my sister's fiancee was ALLL the way in North Jersey and wasn't coming back at all until LATE, she had to stay at the house. It was fine, she did her dishes and cooked some soup for the week, and I bought the baby some food. I just was tired of hearing the baby noises and I REALLY don't like my soon-to-be-brother-in-law...

Well...TUesday was an adventure. I woke up to seeing my brother-in-law in my living room, realizing that they stayed the night. They must have slept in the basement at that point, and I thought he was the one that put out the recyclables for the people to get'em. I thought more good towards him, but grumbled at the fact they were still home. I go to work, which was a loooong day, since the night before I couldn't sleep due to that ADF incidient that was going on. I come home and I see my sister flopped on the couch and the kid on the floor practicing his rolling I suppose (he is only 5 to 6 months old), and I find out that there are a huge sink full of dirty dishes that weren't even mine. I was annoyed since she was home ALL day. I grumbled and did them, since I had to do my own, but not doing the bottles. I left them there. SHe then made onion rings, by frying them up in oil. I went into the freezer, wanting to get some of he food that mom got for me to eat for the week, when I noticed that all of it was gone. Turned out that SHE was eating all the food mom left me and I was annoyed. After that, I went and started my wash and I went back to dealing with the ADF issue, when they actually left a bit later that day. I go back to doing the wash, and I realized that they had the house a COMPLETE MESS! Food on the rug, bottles weren't washed, and baby stuff all over. And those of you who read that blog a few days ago knows the end of this night with ADF....wasn't a good day at all..

I have to say, Wed. morning at work was the ONLY GOOD TIME I HAD THIS WEEK. I was working by myself and it was nice and fun. I didn't have any complaints since the day went by REAL fast. I come home and that is where the shit hit the fan. I went to do another load of laundry before I started to clean up everything when I realized that, well, my socks I was wearing had fleas on them. There were a small amount though and I didn't mind it. I groaned, knowing what were to happen if mom came home to it, so I did the wash. THen I remembered that I had to go feed the fish. I walked a few steps to feed the fish, and when I went back to get my basket of clean clothes, my socks were FLOODED with fleas! in only 30 seconds! I freaked out. I tosses the socks away and started to vacumn the enitre basement livingroom. My assumption was this; That they brought the incests with them here from North Jersey. Since they didn't put anything away after they left, I had to clean up the area as well. It wasn't good at all. Hen I went to go and heat up a dinner I bought at SHop Rite since she ate all my food, and I realized that she didn't clean the pot the day before that had the oil from the onion rings. I was traumitized because my mom would NEVER have something like this going on in her house. It wasn' good at all and I couldn't keep up with any of the cleaning so I didn't finish anything. I washed the bottles, and I placed them in my to y'know..remind her that I did the bottles. After that, I finished eating, and I was tossing my tv dinner tray away, when I realized that the trash smelled real bad. I look down in the trash can to realize that she has dirty diapers in the kitchen trash. My mom NEVER lets people with babies do that at all. It is disgusting to even to it. I was destroyed. I tossed the bag outside in the trash bin and called it a day.

To summarize what my day will be it is this: CLEANING AND VACUMING AND RELAXING AS MUCH AS I CAN!! Today is my last day by myself, and I want to enjoy it as much as I can.

That pretty much sums up the enitre weel of not having will be even more hell when I tell my mom all this....I need to find a place to hide...

Until then, see ya in another venting blog! -runs to hide-

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Getting Close...

It is almost about that time for the OxyCleanStreams people to be rounded up once more for more torturous action with a weekend stream. However, this one will be different since it will start on Friday. Yes, folks. Instead of it starting on Saturday as per usual, we will do this on Friday, meaning 3 days of pain!

This months target for the money is to a good cause, the Humane Society. For information about them check out the link:

As Tribute, we will be playing games that feature animals in anyway as helpers, main characters, and anything of the sort. Here is the outline to what kind of games you will be expected to see:

Okami (Spazzy & Tatsu)
Sonic Heroes (Tatsu)
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess or Sly Cooper (Skye)
Sonic 3 W/Knuckles (Skye)
Sly Cooper 3 (Phantom Savage)
Ratchet & Clank: Deadlocked (KZX)
Megaman X & X4 (Nether & Khold)

I believe that we will have this even on September 18th if I remember correctly. THe date may change, but that is the watered down version to this stream. We will advertise by the either the end of this week or the beginning of next week once we have all this set in stone. FOr now, just wait and see what the future brings and donate during the stream for the poor aminals. X3

Take care and I hope to see you there.

P.S. For thse who are interested, after the stream is when I will make my leave of the internet for a while to achieve that goal of mine, so don't be too surprised if you don't see me around. Any other details will be made in another blog AFTER the stream has ended.

Have a good day! X3

Monday, August 31, 2009

Twilight Princess Update Numbah One...For me Personally.

This is all for myself, not ment to be tead by others:

Time: (Time Read on the Save Screen)
Beginning 1st Run - 1:30
Beginning 2nd Run - 1:05

Forest Temple 1st Run - 3:50
Forest Temple 2nd Run - (FOR TONIGHT)

Geh....Have to practice...try to make it under up to the 2 hour mark...hopefully...make a 3rd run through up to the end of the 1st Temple to see if I can make it under the 2 hour mark. I will trudge up to the 2nd Temple and see how far I can get, and try that again As soon as I can. With visitations for my grandfather in the hospital, and cleaning up the house, it will be hard, but I can do it X3

ADF incident - my side of the story!

Allright. for those who are new to this whole incident, me and this guy kept going head to head at each other in the past about my characters and how he took some of my commission worked characters into his own characters, calling them "original". We finally led to the agreement that me and 2 other people created and he and I both agreed to the standards (mind you that he wasn't willing to listen UNTIL I got him suspended on Y! Gallery about this incident).

Months passed, and all was allright. I would check up on his DA page every so often, to get a chuckle every now and then about "The World of Phillip" and I would laugh at his lies at how he lives in PA, which he live in NJ, and how he had a few things going on, and seeing his "new self" which looked like he hadn't eaten for weeks since he lost the pounds too fast, causing his body to look a bit deformed. However...

About a few months ago, an image caught my eye in his gallery. I opened it up to reveal that he indeed posted my picture up with him and claimed that I was his "ex-girlfriend". This was very irrating because I NEVER went out with the guy in the firest place and I realized that he was, once again, in his fantasy world and it angered me to no end. I DO have higher standards, and besides, the last time I OFFICIALLY dated was WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY back in 8th grade of middle school. Really...I don't know what gave him the idea to think I was his in the first place or what it was going to get him in the end. Also the fact that he posted my real self up on his DA irratated me because I hate how I look, and it was uncalled for since I didn't give him permission to do so.

I couldn't fight back about it, so I just tried to ignore it and move on. However, recently, he posted a picture of Ko up (drawn by Ryosuke and colored by him) I suupose to see how I would react. This irratated me too since he then broke our agreement COMPLETELY.

It seemed that someone else seen this and understood how I felt, and created an account called ADF-Fuensalido and photoshopped a picture of his face on Sakura Haruno from Naruto. It was a blessing from the heavens and I immedietly too the opportunity to comment and ask who this angel from the heavens was. It was then that ADF ASSUMED it was me, but I can't take the awesome credit that this person did. It wouldn't be right.

So now I am supposedly the evil mastermind behind a group of "thugs" and making them do the dirty work, when really, they chose to do it themselves. I have no control over their actions. For now, I just want to say that I feel better knowing that people understand how I feel towards this and feeling helpless since I can't do a thing about it. His watchers will never hear my side of the story and now he is making conditions once again, thinking he has the upper hand. It ticks me off and I want Justice to be done. I want Karma to hit him where it hurts for him because he needs a reality check. Calling me his Ex-Girlfriend and claiming he lives in PA and placing my characters up won't make him popular and get watchers and more pageviews. It makes him look like the laughing stock of the internet and it won't make people trust him anymore.

That's all I have to say about this for now. An update blog entry will be up by the end of the day, plus a video to vent out about this situation, basically talking about what is here, plus much more to get things off my chest.

What Am I?

I guess this is something that has been plaguing my mind. I have been confused until a few have told this: "I'm not a good person."

I try to be as nice as I can, and being social is still new to me I suppose. I was never social at all back in my earlier years as a kid. I couldn't because I was always sick at home, hardly interacting with the kids. And when i did, I would get mocked for being the tallest kid in grade school or wearing glasses and hearing aids because I was a stress baby. It wasn't the best of times. I ony had 2 friends at that time, and they moved away later, leaving me with no one but videogames and family members to talk about that share the same things in common..

That changed during the run of my senior year in high school when I met a good friend of mine. Senya was an awesome person, a bitch, but I admired her for that. She spoke her mind, not caring about others, and cared about her friends' safety and support, regardless she was a year or two under me. I began to grow fond of her, and we shared the same interests. It was an awesome friendship and I knew that she changed me the most out since well...she was technically the only person who I talked to at that time in life since I was having issues with so-called "friends" that forced me to dress differently, or make me do things that I knew I shouldn't and yell at me for being open minded. It hurt a lot and I was fortunate to meet up with someone like her....she made me become "me"...

that was until she moved off into Florida, where I have the hardest time contacting her. I once again, close myself up and try to be cheerful to everyone around me, regardless of the mental chain I gave myself. I know people reading this might disagree with me at this point, but what I speak is the truth I suppose..

But, as time went on, This chain has been tugging and tugging. COnstant bickering from parents breaking down this chain with verbal abuse, making me feel like I am worthless in the world, and a few friends online and offline cheering me up as I try to block out the pain within my head, afriad that one day, this chain will snap.

I fear of losing friends. that is the most important thing to me. Family will always be there for you, but as friends, I enjoy talking to them about the things we hold in common and have an awesome conversation and support each other. When friends argue, I get scared about whos side to be on, and/or, speak the mind and get ridiculed by both at once. I fear all of this and I attampt to put up a front by being mean and nasty.

However, I think that the facade has lost, and now, my mind has made me become something I don't want to be...mean, verbally abusive to everyone, and just right rude at times. I hate how I feel about it, and that makes the chain slowly calm itself down, until the next brutal assaults arrive.

I guess I just wanted to type this to vent and make me feel better...or maybe for people to understand how I am feeling. As I type this, I hold in everything I would like to type out about all my problems, emotions, and everything else. I feel that I have been molded by people to be what I am now. I feel, after thinking about this, that I am not who I wish to be at all.

Who am I?

I guess....leaving behind all means of communication from internet and irl to be by myself as much as I can will answer this for me....regardless if I like the end result or not..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thank You's and Updates

We have succeeded in all the donation streams thus far. I would like to thank everyone who went to the OxyCleanStreams and donated from the 2 cents and beyond, and just being there to support everyone within the 36 hour stream of hell. They do take a lot out of you >>"

We have been succeeding very well for the first 2 BIG streams so far, and we aren't sopping there. THe next BIG donation stream Will be starting on Friday September 18, 2009. This donation is for helping out ze aminals and we have yet to figure out which charity we will be supporting. In honor of the animals, we will be playing games with animal support. Examples are Sly Cooper, Sonic, etc.

That aside, I wish to talk about the main reason why I am making this entry..

September...technically a fresh start to a year (minus New Years of course) and I want to start out fresh myself. As many people allready notice by now, but it is REAL hard to get in conact with me internet wise and that I haven't been on as much as I normally have been. There is a simple reason for this.

I am trying my best to stay clear from the addicting drug that is the internet. It sounds impossible, but I know that I am able to pull it off. I have a goal set for me by May 2010, and in order for me to keep it, I must stay away from the least for a few months. It is distracting and I lose track of time whenever I'm on it. It is a problem and this would be the only solution. I'm also missing out on a lot of things because I shackled myself to the computer and exploring the internet. I'm starting to want to do other things, explore, and just try to find myself I guess.

I've been nothing but a pain in the butt to many people and since I haven't gone to a single family event this summer, and frankly...I'M BORED!!!

So, in order to fix this, I am planning on roaming around for a bit, do different things, and try to change for the better. I'm sure that my goal will be met, and I will indeed attend the streams that our group will be holding. I will attempt to be on during the weekends and once in a while on the weekdays so I don't go "Cold Turkey" from the internet and go thru withdrawl. Frankly, I like it this way. That way, people can still get to me, and I can actually do what I WANT to do.

So yeah...that's all I have to say. Take care all! See ya later! X3

Monday, August 3, 2009

Topic of Depression and "Feeling Emo" >>''

People handle this sort of thing in different ways. Some like company, some like to be alone, some like a quiet area, some like it with something ringing in their ears. It is wierd for those to now hear of a few of those things, but there are a few ways I handle all of my depression.

1.) Being Alone. It is something I like. I hate people bothering me and pestering me, only to make my attitude grow worse and I think things that I shouldn't, and that I will regret it later. It only makes things worse for me in the end.

2.) Listening to Soft and calming songs. The soft music tends to calm me down but also let out all my pain with a few tears. It sounds corny, but hey, it works for me and it makes me feel a bit better, even though my eyes hurt at the end from the crying XD

3.)Taking a nap. Usually people think that sleeping is like resetting the day. I just do it to try to get anything out of my system that's left over from the previous 2 methods and just sleep it off. I usually calm down after words and I feel a bit better too.

Those are the main ways I overcome the so called "Emo" urges XD. If you have your methods, comment about them with this blog entry. They may just be interesting. Well, that's it for now. See ya later >=3

Friday, July 31, 2009

A Quick Chapter One of Dragon Knights

This was worked on back during the start of my college days when I was actually finishing projects faster than usual, and I was bored in class one day and I managed to do this during my hour or so I was there in the lab. I JUST went back to working on it (about a week and a half ago I think) and I reread it, added new text, fixed some mistakes after I finished reading the series since it finished it's publication in June 2008 (will review this series another time) so, I think it is turning out great.

A/N: Since I love this manga alot, I thought to grab a few snippets in the manga and do it novel wise for people to get into the manga....even though you would have to purchase them online most likely. But hey, it is a good series and it is worth it.

So this section is based off of Volume 2 aka the beginning of the Dragon Lord and the battle with Nadil to acquire his Queen back. I'm actually in the middle of chapter two. I'm making it a bit different than the manga so please bare with me and give me comments on how I handled things for those that read the manga. I hope that you like it and enjoy!!!



Dragon Knights Novel based story from Manga
Taken From Volume 2 : The Dragon Lord's Story Part 1 and 2
Original story by Mineko Ohkami
Story Written by : Kourine Narumi (aka CanisSkye)

The Dragon Lord's Story

Chapter One

The continent of Dusis. It is a continent where creatures of good and evil inhabit; Elves, Yokai, Witches, Fairies, and even humans. Within this vast continent, a battle of both good and evil are about to take place. A battle of light and dark so to speak. Our tale begins within the city in Dusis called Draqueen. There, the Lord of the Kingdom rules over the great continent he so protects. He greets people with a smile and welcomes those to his kingdom with warmth and hospitality--either good or bad. He protects his country with a barrier surrounding it. However, as fate would have it, the evil within the land had sought out a a new ruler, a ruler for all Yokai to honor as if he were the king himself. He wanted to kill the Lord of Draqueen to destroy the bloodline of the Dragon Lord. He planned a fate for him, a fate that he knew it would be perfect bait for the Lord to get him out of his burrow and out in the open. He captured the Queen of Draqueen, hoping to set his plan into motion. That is where this story starts....

"I shall get Raseleane back!" A loud voice boomed through the entire kingdom. Everyone knew that it was the Lord. He was never the same since the evil Lord of the the Yokai kidnapped his love, the Dragon Queen. His face was full of fury, however, the expression within his eyes that were trying to hide under his blonde bangs were full of sadness. "I am going to get her back!"

"I understand your highness' pain, but I won't allow you to leave this place and go straight to Nadil's castle!" Another voice hollered through the corridors from the meeting room.

The Lord took a look around and saw his dragon officers surrounding him. These people have been helping the Lord through many hardships, and have succeeded in doing so. He narrowed his eyes at the White Dragon Officer who was also Chief Secretary in the castle. He had long aqua-ish hair that he placed in a ponytail. It hung down, just passed his shoulders, with a few strands hanging over his shoulder resting on his chest. The Lord didn't seem too pleased with his suggestion. "Alfeegi...I can't stay here."

"Please, have faith in the Dragon Fighters. That is what they are trained for," Alfeegi continued to back up his demand to keep the Lord within the castle walls, giving the Lord a stern look.

The Lord sighed lightly. "I do. However, since we sent them out, not one has come back alive. I do not wish to lose anymore men, so I must leave here and go to the castle!"

Alfeegi's stern look turned into his well famous angered expression. His eyes narrowed at the Lord. He didn't look too pleased with the Lord's comment. It was always like him to do such a thing to the Lord. Alfeegi's background was well known. He kept the Lord in his place, keeping him within the castle grounds. Not even when the Lord disguises himself as a Dragon Fighter, would he stand a chance against Alfeegi's eyes. He took a step forward from where he stood, his face still the emotion of anger. "Do not be selfish! Do you not realize how many lives depend on you, Lord Lykouleon?! If something were to happen to you, this whole world would be like HELL!"

Lord Lykouleon grew speechless. He stared at the ground, his fists clenched at the sides of him.

"Alfeegi, watch your mouth! You are speaking to the Lord. Remember that," A white-haired man interrupted the argument. His hair was short, as none hung down behind him. His glasses hung from his nose a bit as he slowly pushed them up with his gloved fingers. He was the Blue Dragon Officer that dealt with Foreign Affairs. Kai-stern. "You need some manners when addressing the Lord."

Alfeegi looked at the White Officer, his eyes narrowing. He hated when Kai-stern would do such things. Kai-stern would always backup Lord Lykouleon whenever he would yell at him. His thoughts of the situation ended when a man approached the Lord. He had short black hair, almost like Kai-stern's. However, loose strands of hair were hung and ended at the man's eyelashes. He was the Black Dragon Officer that controls the Dragon Fighters and deals with the Security of the castle, Tetheus. "You must be patient, My Lord. We will get the Queen back. I swear it. Just have faith in the Fighters."

Lord Lykouleon didn't speak after Tetheus' words. Everyone looked at the Lord, as if hoping that he would listen to reason and keep him inside the walls. Lykouleon looked at his officers for a moment before turning to head to his quarters. Alfeegi sighed lightly. "This will take some time I suppose. I understand how hard it is for him, but he must understand that if something were to happen, this world will crumble."

"Lord Lykouleon..." the man took a step next to Alfeegi. He had long two toned color hair that went all the way down past his shoulders. He sighed lightly as he closed his eyes. This man was well known for helping Lykouleon out of his palace every so often, but in return, he would act as the Lord in his place. His name was Ruwalk, the Yellow Officer and the Secretary of State. "The Dragon Knights aren't assembled yet. We have still yet to awaken the Earth and Water Dragon. To top it off, Water Dragon is missing."

Kai-stern took a seat by the huge table in the room. He placed his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling and spoke as if he were talking to himself. "And of the Six Dragon Officers, we only have the Five; The White, Blue, Yellow, and Black Officers,"

"Yes. our leader, the Red Dragon Officer, is not around," Tetheus spoke sternly, his eyes closed.

Kai-stern looked at the other Officers, his brow narrowing. "I have been trying to locate the Water Dragon during my travels, but all I have found instead have been frozen corpses and dead ends. The Ice and Snow demons are very powerful during this snowy time."

Alfeegi sighed lightly as the other officers conversed about the Earth Dragon being in a slumber by the power of the Fairies forcing it to and other issues that have been a problem. He looked around, noticing that one of their officers were missing. His eyes narrowed as he slowly walked out of the room, hearing Kai-stern's call for him. ' are just too nice.'


Lykouleon walked towards the gates that led out of his palace. He placed his hands on the cold bars as his little Light Dragon, Deus, stared up at the snowy sky while perched on Lykouleon's shoulder. Lykouleon placed a hand on his dragon's head, stroking him gently as he looked straight ahead past the bars of the palace. "I can't stay here any longer. I need Raseleane back to me...she's the most important person to me.." he whispered. He looked at the fallen snow on the ground, his bangs covering his watery eyes. He would give anything to have his wife back in his arms. He understood Alfeegi and the other Officers, but, he just couldn't take it anymore. People were dying, attempting to return the Queen, and his patience had grown thin. He couldn't stand thinking of his love being with the Lord of all Yokai, Nadil. It was unbearable. He tugged on his cape around his neck up more to cover his neck, preparing to head off.

"Your Highness. You'll freeze to death out here in this snow," a voice came up from behind Lykouleon.

Lykouleon's eyes widened as he turned around, only to see his old companion, Ruwalk, with a smile on his face. He gripped the bars on the gate as he stared at him with a stern look. "I take it that you are going to try to prevent me from leaving the castle grounds?"

Ruwalk walked up to the Lord, holding a black cape in his arms. "I would, but without the Queen around, it is hard to try to persuade you to stay here. Besides, the longer she isn't around for you, this world will become a frozen wasteland. The Snow and Ice demons are going on a rampage on the people. Too many people are already dead," He spoke in a soft voice.

Lykouleon knew it to be true. The weather was indeed caused by Lykouleon himself. Based on the mood of the Lord, or the pain and agony he was in, the weather would change in response to the Lord's feelings. In this case, since the Queen was captured by the Yokai Lord Nadil, the world has turned to a snowy land. He couldn't help the way he felt at this point. It was all he can feel; The feeling of loneliness without his other half. He looked down, feeling partially to blame for the many lives that have been lost in from this weather. He then felt warmth from behind. He looked back and seen Ruwalk placing the black cape he held around his Lord. Lykouleon's eyes widened, with Ruwalk only smiling. "Ruwalk.."

"I just like it warmer, Lykouleon," he spoke to him. He was the only one that ever talked to Lykouleon without formality since they were long time friends as far back as they can remember. They went through the tough times and the good times, each helping the other out. They were good friends to the end, and Lykouleon smiled at Ruwalk's act of kindness towards him. "Just believe in yourself Lykouleon. We are all here for you. Just make sure you come back safe and sound with the Queen. We will we waiting your arrival back here." He gave Lykouleon a big smile as he placed a hand on Deus. "You take care of our Lord, little Deus. We don't want anything happening to him."

Deus let out a small cry as both Lykouleon and Ruwalk laughed before Lykouleon opened the gates and headed out towards Nadil's castle. Ruwalk rubbed the back of his head slowly, unable to see the Lord's figure as it vanished in the snowy wind. "Now, how am I gonna tell the others about this one?"

Ruwalk's eyes widened to the sound of footsteps in the snow. He froze, not looking behind him. "Ruwalk, no excuses. You must handle His Majesty's work while he is away now." The voice spoke in a surprisingly calm voice.

Ruwalk turned around, and sure enough, it was Alfeegi, looking at him with a small smile. Ruwalk felt like a small child when they they did something that they shouldn't have. He didn't know what to say. The nervousness crept into him slowly, waiting for Alfeegi to give him a piece of his mind. However, Alfeegi just gave him that same calm smile. "Don't be so nervous. I knew that this was going to happen. It was unavoidable. You two are close friends, so naturally you would aide him. However, what you did was....inappropriate," Alfeegi spoke the last word in a stern tone towards Ruwalk. He walked towards the closed gate, placing a hand on the bars and staring out into the distance. "Besides, the Lord has to do what he has to do."

Ruwalk put his hand on his forehead. 'He was watching us..' Ruwalk chuckled to himself as he started to calm down a bit just as Alfeegi wanted. "I just can't see him in the condition he is in now. With all this weather as well, I knew that this was the right way of dealing with things. It has to be him to do what he feels is right. He IS, in fact, our Lord." Ruwalk looked out in the distance that Lord Lykouleon took.

Alfeegi smiled as he started to walk back towards the castle. "Come, Ruwalk. Since you are taking the place of our Lord, you have to finish his work for him."

Ruwalk sighed as he heard those words, whispering a Good Luck to his friend before he walked back into the castle, knowing that Lykouleon will be back safe with the Queen, only to shudder. However, it wasn't the cold that was giving him the chills...It was Alfeegi. Thinking about the suffering that Alfeegi will put him through made him shudder and sigh heavily. 'I have no regrets, but dealing with Alfeegi at this time..I just have a feeling of my life being at stake.'


I apologize for spelling and punctuation and whatnot. I haven't written in soooo long, so please bare with me. Tell me what you think!!! Chapter two will be finished shortly.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My First Blog!

My first Blog. I'm kind of excited. I am a bit wierd that I might actually start to do some things like this. Well, This blog is based off me being emo at times and I want to cut loose, or just stating rants, opinions, talking about games, manga, anime, upcoming videos, etc, maybe even stories from my old story days from back in my highschool early days when i was in the middle of constructing my own story starting with the before story. Who knows? It might be interesting to see what things will happen with this blog. But yeah. I hope you people will enjoy this blog.

For my Youtube Subscribers, this might not interest you, but by all means, you can check this out if you want. It COULD interest you.

For random people stumbling into this blog, I hope this meets with what you are looking for.

Anyway, here is to a new blog....and me actually using a blog >>''