Monday, August 3, 2009

Topic of Depression and "Feeling Emo" >>''

People handle this sort of thing in different ways. Some like company, some like to be alone, some like a quiet area, some like it with something ringing in their ears. It is wierd for those to now hear of a few of those things, but there are a few ways I handle all of my depression.

1.) Being Alone. It is something I like. I hate people bothering me and pestering me, only to make my attitude grow worse and I think things that I shouldn't, and that I will regret it later. It only makes things worse for me in the end.

2.) Listening to Soft and calming songs. The soft music tends to calm me down but also let out all my pain with a few tears. It sounds corny, but hey, it works for me and it makes me feel a bit better, even though my eyes hurt at the end from the crying XD

3.)Taking a nap. Usually people think that sleeping is like resetting the day. I just do it to try to get anything out of my system that's left over from the previous 2 methods and just sleep it off. I usually calm down after words and I feel a bit better too.

Those are the main ways I overcome the so called "Emo" urges XD. If you have your methods, comment about them with this blog entry. They may just be interesting. Well, that's it for now. See ya later >=3


Anonymous said...

Contemplation is good sometimes, but overdoing it is a bad idea. Comfort foods sometimes help as well. :3

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