Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Layout is a Renew and Some Random Things.

As you can see, I redid the layout for this and I chose this template because I felt like it. It looks pretty cool and I enjoy it's look. I'm not big on warm colors for webpages, but this is fine.

Well, 2010 has been a bit interesting so far. A few things happened here and there. I got a few cool games, my PC's fan died, and I was hosting a donation stream. Oh, and I worked, worked, and worked.

My PC is still in the shop and it is a sad thing. My Yu-Gi-Oh month was cancelled rather early due to it. Even when I recieved my Dazzle for my MAC, I can't record anything due to the sound crackling and hurting ones ears. I can't even fix that editing to the sound. ><" It isn't cool, man!

I've also been watching since the middle of January is Detective Conan/Cased Closed. I'm so addicted to it. I actually like the dubbed version to the anime. Jerry Jewell pulled off a nice Kudo. Besides, I like his voice. It's wierd to say that, but I really enjoy listening to him talk. I like all the voice actors in it too. It is also easier for me to follow the anime dubbed. I realize that I understand it a bit better by listening to it, rather than reading it. Sad, but true you lovely weeaboo's reading this. ^_~ Not all anime is perfect in sub format. Look at YuYu Hakusho, Comic Party, and a few others. So, TAKE THAT!!

I have been playing some games too. I got Phantom Brave and I played a bit of it. It is just like Playstation version, but it could have a twist. Who knows. I also purchased COUGHCOUGHBAKUGANCOUGHCOUGH. The Wiiware had a few intersting games I wanted to try/have recently that I noticed. I had the Wii Points and so I got the Phoienx Wright game as well as the Bubble Bobble game. The Bubble Bobble game for the WiiWare is a bit....challenging. It's very sensitive for you making bubbles near and around the walls. It's unforgiving, but I managed to beat the game on NORMAL! I'm afraid to see the harder onces. >>''

The donation stream for the NAA that went on this past weekend was successful. We didn't read our goal of $500.00 like we wanted, but, we got close. But, we had a blast! We played games, created new memes, humilated ourselves and got embarrased when our parents came into play....ESPECIALLY mine. -_-'' What's worse is that it is on recording too on YT. ><"

Besides the computer issues and the Nor'Easter snow storms that we've been having, I'm VERY excited about this new year.

THe games coming out are actually interesting me to the point of RESERVING them, or wanting to reserve them. I all ready reserved Pokemon HeartGold and Lunar: Silver Star Harmony. I've been waiting for these games, even though I can't play the Lunar one. I had to get rid of my PSP due to the battery dying. I got trade credit for all the PSP items and got Star Ocean for the Xbox360 and Eternal Sonata for the 360.

It's been an interesting year so far, and I hope that it all goes well this year!! WE NEED A GOOD YEAR, DAMNIT!!


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