Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feeling Better, Other Random Things

Currently Listening: Something Missing from Bayonetta (Thank you Vicious!!)

Well, After talking with a few people, I feel a bit better. Not as depressed as before. I just have a hint of it, but it isn't effecting me as much as before. I apologize for my actions. It is just, I think too hard on things, making me feel worse than before.

Well, this week has been interesting really. I have been feeling slightly bummed from all of the snow my area has been gettin'. We are expecting more snow too. Dear lord...

I have also got my presents from my two awesome friends Ed and Dan. I got them awesome gifts too and I thank them for being awesome and sticking around with me and my horrible ways. They are angels for putting up with me.

I'm kinda upset about me not working on my Japanese like I want to. I haven't worked on it for about a month or two due to just being real busy and being preoocupied with everything else.

I'm also working on a few layouts for Dan and someone else for Youtube layouts and I have to sing Never Gonna Give You Up (when my sister and them leave apparently. I can't seem to get anytime to do it), and finish working on a fanfiction for someone for the Donation stream thing. I'm also just about finished with working on a drawing for someone and I'm going to work on the one for Dan. It will be interesting and I hope I don't ruin them at all. It will make me cry. T.T

I'm just busy anymore, and I'm just procrastinating. I need to start making deadlines. That way, I WILL finish them at a certain time. -_-'' I'm such a freak when it comes to it. XD

I've been playing a few other games while I've been in bed this weekend as well as my stream. I've also grinded a bit in Grandia for my LP, and it should be promising. I'm just a grinding whore. XD

To anyone who reads this, I wish you all well and I will try to update this weekly. I realize that writing how I feel here tends to keep my emotions in check and slightly sane. So I apologize in advance if things are emoism things/depressing things. It's just that, this is what this is mainly for to begin with.

Take care everyone!


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