Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not Doing Too Well...More Emoism is-a GOOO!!!

Well, as most of you well know if you follow me on Twitter, my grandfather passed away. He passed away the weekend of the 72 Hour Stream me and the rest of CrudeComms and Multi-Purpose Spam did the weekend of September 18-20th. He owned a bar and such. It was a nice bar, but in the past few years, the place has been looking shabby and such, so it was hardly used since then.

Well, he had a Bar Maid that took care of him as well when he was really sick. He was in and out of the hospital, taken to the VA hospital in PA (which mind you is a horrible place so let your veteran loved ones go there!) and he had to have blood transfusions and everything else under the sun to not look like a Simpson character. It was a horrible sight.

The night he died, he was freaking out over the doctors and nurses and even called 911 on the hospital, claiming that they were holding him hostage because he wanted to go home to the bar, and to his dog. However, he was still in the ICU and there was no way in hell he was able to leave in the condition he was. It must've been a sight to behold really.

The funeral was held yesterday and that's when the stuff began to hit the fan. My dad's side of the family are horrible people. Terrible. After the funeral, I rode with my neighbor to the bar to set up, while mom took my dad and the bar maid with them to the burial sight. after the burial sight and they were driving on the way to the bar, my dad was crying. He was in tears and broken. My mom tried to help him as best as she could. However, the bar maid kept asking my mom, AT THAT TIME MIND YOU, if she could have some items and demanding the laptop that my mom and dad took my pop-pop out to get. My mom was horrified. She couldn't believe what was going on. However, the laptop and the bottle was the only things she was entitled to have, and the bar maid wanted them both. She was mad of course.

During the little party to attempt to make people feel better, the bar maid kept talking about how poor she was and how she couldn't buy anything for her kids, when we knew that my grandpop gave her ALOT more money than she was supposed to get for only working for a few days a week. My mom talked to my dad's brothers wife about it, and the wife goes "Well, I think that you should give back the items and give them to the bar maid" My mom was pissed, obviously. She couldn't take it. She was in tears since everyone started ganging up on her about it. I couldn't believe his side of the family. It was terrible. What was supposed to be a rememberance, turned into a horrible battlefield.

Of course, my dad wasn't any better. He didn't even care that my mom was in the car for 2 hours in tears even when he noticed her in the car. Then, he didn't want to leave the bar. My mom is so sick of this bar at this point. This bar has been a thorn in their marriage, and it just came back to be a thorn in it once more. Mom is thinking about divorce if he keeps this up. Not to mention that he might not be working, so we will be financially broken if he doesn't wake up and just talk to lawyers and whatnot to do something with the bar.

It just urks me and I'm tired of it..that is preety much all can I muster up at this point...back to work for me. gehhhh....


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