Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Donation Stream Saturday October 17th, 2009 for JDRF

Well, the idea started with me being financially poor and me making horrible racial jokes and then it went to me rambling on about the JDRF walk I'll be going to on Sunday,October 18th. My mom was talking about finding other means of getting money to donate and not have it be just me. We are getting my work, Pharmakon Inc. , in on it as well as my other friends and family. It sounded like an aweseome idea and we are all donating to a great cause. I got to thinking, this is a great opportunity to do a quick little one day donation stream for this cause to get you guys in on this. It will be fun and entertaining (hopefully), and I think it will be awesome.

However, this stream won't be an awesome success without you, the people that are to BE entertained. I have been thinking for a bit, (things might change by the time I get home from work), and have devised a plan for this to be an awesome success.

Now, before I get into anything BIG, I would like to talk about what is the JDRF. For those you do not know, JDRF is the Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation. They are researching to find the cure for Type 1 Diabetes, since most children with a family history of the disease, have this type. With the Walks that they do every year, they get one step closer to finding the cure with support from great sponsers and just your average joe. Lots of people attend these walks, for the child that they lost to this disease, for the kids they have alive and fighting it, or just people that care about the children and do anything to keep the smiles on their faces.

Well, My family have been donating to this for many years since our family has a family history of diabetes in the family (my aunt has it and a few others in my family do, and even I myself might have it). We've been dontating to this cause, as well as the company I work at.

Now, I wish to have others that are WILLING and ABLE to donate, they can. This isn't a forced donation, but it is VERY appreciated for you guys to vote. I'll even throw in a deal during this.

This is where I will talk about how the stream works. Also, I will talk about the nifty swag you get from the JDRF when you donate 100.00. Since this JDRF Walk required sponsers, it is very EASY to acquire the $100.00 to recieve a t-shirt from them. So, you can walk up there and donate to the point where the whole family/company/group can have a t-shirt to proudly say that they made that step forward. So, if you, the individual, donate $100.00 regarding sponsers and family, I will personally mail you (I'll provide the shipping costs, so dun worry about it) a JDRF t-shirt. So, if you donate say, $400.00, you can acquire 4 t-shirts. It is that simple!

Now, for those that are saying "There is no way in Hell I'll make that much!" Well, here is YOUR chance to make the stream a bit better for you personally.

I will be streaming ALL DAY Saturday until like...midnight-ish or a bit earlier than that (Since I AM doing the walk the next day), so, below this paragraph I will have a donation price and what you can do to ake this interesting for the stream..


$0.00 = If you cannot donate oncesoever, you can go and make my video talking about this a featured video on your channel. I will be sure to give you a shoutout. Just PM me on YT and I'll make sure that you have indeed done this.

$5.00 = a half hour of me playing ANY game you would like to watch me play horribly or great.**

$10.00 = an hour of me playing any game you so want me to play! **

$15.00 = a Youtube/UStream Layout **YT IS BETA LAYOUT ONLY!**

$25.00 = 1 doodle with one character OR
singing a song OR
another hour of gaming**

$50.00 = 1 doodle with 2 characters OR
2 doodles with one character each OR
1 1/2 hours of gaming**

$100.00 = a JDRF T-shirt


I would like for those who donate to this cause, to verify that you did through PM in Ustream or even YT, whichever is comfortable for you. Within this, I would like you to give me your game/song/drawing you would like for me to do and at what time during the day.

Also, as far as giving out the t-shirt, I cannot distribute it outside of the US. So, if you donate $100.00 and you are out of the country, we will talk out an agreement.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Update on Schedule, interesting things...

Hey guys. As most of you know, my postponement of my break stopped due to my sickness. I've been in Hell for the past 2 weeks, and I know I will be fine before the end of next week. I just have to control my allergies with medicine and take meds for my asthma. So, it will all work out well X3.

I'm also planning on going with the Demented Crew (myself, drunkendan, and MegaSuperGeneral) to the Videogame Expo this weekend in PA. It will be interesting and I will be fully prepared for it. I'll do some recordings of it and stuffs, so I'll go charge my batteries tonight since I will be going over their place tommorow night, or straight home from work. Who Knows...

Also, for those who don't follow me on Twitter, I was on a recording streak last night and I managed to record the rest of Chapter Two and completed Chapter Three in Full Metal Alchemist 2. Fans of that LP should be happy to know that. I did enjoy the recordings too since I WANTED to do it. It felt good to do some recordings when I FEEL like it instead of doing it because I have to. I feel my stuffs be better when I am in the mood to. So, I hold an update of my schedule.

When I feel like recording, I will record. However, the updates on videos will be another story. I'll decide when to post them up, so do not rush me. It will be bad for my health, or what is left of it after this 2 week sickness -_-''

I am also tempted to do the Pokemon Hack thing...that is...IF it wants to work. I can't get the sprites in the game, and it is upsetting me. The thing is that, I wanna work on the sprites FIRST, then fix the story-ish of PKMN, and then use the codes I learned to adjust people's Pokebattles, and giving and trading of items of sorts. It will be interesting.

My drawings, that is another story. I'm having the HARDEST time enjoying my drawings anymore. I'll try to work on that for that Pokecomic.

I'll check messages on YT and Twitter and such, and the only way to get a hold of me after I feel better and raring to to go to my schedule I had planned, is through Twitter. Nothing else. If you need me for commentary, just tell me when you are able to, and I'll tell you the times I'll be free.

Also, the Demented Crew has indeed been lazy. But, here's the thing. WE DUN CARE!! XD We will finish SMB3 and work on the Sonic Demented. We allready have our new LP in mind after SMB3. Yes. Another LP by the Demented Crew. It will be a hybrid of Co-Op and 1 player ( the 1 player being just me since some adventures will have only 1 player action). Other than that, prepare for the next LP after SMB3.

As far as my future LP's are concerned, I would like to work more on FMA2 and PKMN Ruby for now. Zoids vs III is on hold until one of these LPs are finished. Then, after that, I'll focus on Zoids vs. III. After that LP is finished, I'll go back to Lunar for a bit, take a break after that, and work on my new LP. However, I don't really know what to do. Okami is dropped, sorry to say. Things happen, and I might ruin it. I will post up what I was working on regarding to the voice work. It is like...a 3 min. clip of the voiceacting work in the beginning. It came out nice and I like it. When I feel like, I can, I'll start back up on Okami. Until then, don't expect it. The voice actors will stay the same. Until then, nothing more.

My new LP will be based around the poll to the right of this entry. Click the vote, and I'll have another poll up when that one is finished. Until then, I'm out and time to get back to work. Take care! X3

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sick, Bored, Info on new Donation Stream, and MORE!

Well....this week was a fine kettle of fish if I do say so myself...

I was sick for the most part. It is an allergy sickness, which means for one with a HORRIBLE immune system, I will have it for another week or two. -_-' I am SOOO mad right now because I feel bad. I am supposed to do fandub work for a Mr. Azurada23 for his Abridged series, and with me hacking and wheezing because of my allergies kicking in my asthma, I can't do a lot of things. I'm sure people are upset about me coughing when i was a guest for Tatsu's stream this weekend as well as being in the calls to discuss a few things.

Also, this week, I managed to go to GameStop and give away my PSP and everything to go with it. In return, I bought Eternal Sonata and Star Ocean for the XBox 360 with no charge for my debit card. I also purchased online the first Croc game for the PS1. I played it a bit, and I am happy with it. X3 I've been recently been playing Eternal Sonata. It is a real fun game, with some of the VA's I like are in there.....even -eyetwitch- Johnny Young Bosch....SERIOUSLY, WHAT ISN'T HE IN?!?!?!?!!?!?

Also this week, Ive been looking up tutorials for my Pokemon Hack that I've been wanting to work on for the past few months. However, instead of a Yu-Gi-Oh one for now, I'm thinking about doing a Pokemon hack with a few people I know as Pokemon, by giving them certain things on the Pokemon, and renaming the Pokemon themselves along with their moveset. I don't have the FULL ideas to it, so don't expect too much out of me, okay? I am having the hardest time placing my sprites into the game as it is. I'm doing everything right, it is just being stupid. I did make PhantomSavage as my Phanty-chu. I just have to insert it into the game. Until I can do that, I won't work on any other sprites.

So yeah, been sick and got a few new things to do. As I said, I didn't record a thing. I've just been bored and trying to entertain myself as best as I can. I came back around Friday for a few reasons, and also because I needed to talk to a few people about a few things concerning recordings and other schtuff. I'll be gone this week as well, in bed since I'm still not feeling too hot.

I did go over drunkendan's house this weekend. We didn't record because we were both lazy and I was most likely going to cough and hack the entire time anyhow. It wasn't going to be the best recording ever, so sorry guys XP. I had fun. Talked toa few people, watched Tatsu's stream, teased them a bit and other stuff.

Also, it seems Youtube wants to revenue my first Tag Force Video. However, i don't think I'll get it since it goes against EVERYTHING in their list. I'm debating on it, so don't get your hopes up.

I apologize to people that have been trying to get a hold of me this week and this weekend. I've been taking care of other things. I will be gone this week to try to recooperate so I can attempt to be helpful to the people that need me in commentary without me dying in it XD

I haven't started to reach that goal at all since I don't feel up to doing anything. I haven't drawn anything except for Tails at work. it seems that he is the only thing I've been drawing anymore, and he looks more awesome everytime I draw him. i should show you guys sometime.

Also, my group, OxyCleanStreams, are planning another donation stream on the 24th of this month, a week before TheSpeedGamers. More information hopefully by the end of the week so we can advertise early. We have all the people attending, but we need to pick the games and settle a time frame. After that, the advertisements are raring to go. We are going to donate to the Child's Play Charity Group. KZX will be the host of this as well as I am for talking to the Charity Group we will be sponsoring. This is also the 2nd annual Birthday Stream for me and KZX as well since my birthday is on the 21st and KZX's is the 29th. We will have a Special Guest (hopefully) since his birthday is a day before mine. it will be epic and I hope you guys will attend.

I will cover the rest of it in another blog hopefully this week. I will update you guys on anything else that happens. Until then, I'll see you guys next week. NO STREAMING FOR ME THIS WEEKEND COMING UP! I have plans to go to PA (Hopefully) for the Videogaming Expo thingie there on the 10th at the Convention Center. We'll see.

Talk to you all later!
